The player class makes you able to easily customize your music bot.
Creating a player
You can create a player by using the Player class. The class requires the channel parameter which is the channel where you want to create a player for.
You can play a song by using the play function. The function requires the stream parameter and has an optional options parameter and returns a Promise. The stream parameter is the stream that you want to play (YouTube url's are also allowed). The options parameter has the following options:
autoleave: If the bot should leave the channel when the song ended and has to be a boolean. (default is false)
quality: The quality of the song. The quality options are:
'high': Sets the quality to high
'low': Sets the quality to low (default)
selfDeaf: If the bot should deaf itself and has to be a boolean. (default is true)
selfMute: If the bot should mute itself and has to be a boolean. (default is false)
audiotype: The audiotype of the song. This can be the following things:
You can reconnect to the voice channel by using the reconnect function. The reconnect function requires the timeout parameter which is the miliseconds it should wait before rejoining the voice channel again. The default timeout is 2000 miliseconds (2 seconds);
You can check whether the song is playable or not. You can do this by using the getStatus function. The function will return a boolean. true if the song is playable, false if it's not.
const {Player} =require('discordaudio');constdiscord=require('discord.js');constclient=newdiscord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]});constchannel=client.channels.cache.get('0123456789');constplayer=newPlayer(channel);...player.getStatus() ===true?console.log(`The song is playable`) :console.log(`The song is not playable`);
Get the members in the voice channel
You can see how many members there are in the voice channel where the bot is in. You can do this by using the getListeners function. It will return a number with the amount of members in the voice channel.
const {Player} =require('discordaudio');constdiscord=require('discord.js');constclient=newdiscord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]});constchannel=client.channels.cache.get('0123456789');constplayer=newPlayer(channel);...console.log(`${player.getListeners()} members in the voice channel`);
Change the volume
You can change the volume by using the volume function. The volume function requires the volume parameter. This parameter can be a string or a number. In case it's a number the max is 10. If the parameter is a string you can customize it to how you want it. You can set the max by splitting it with the "/".
const {Player} =require('discordaudio');constdiscord=require('discord.js');constclient=newdiscord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]});constchannel=client.channels.cache.get('0123456789');constplayer=newPlayer(channel);...player.volume(3); // Sets the volume to 3/10player.volume("3/20"); // Sets the volume to 3/20
Event listeners
The Player class also has 4 events:
play: When a song starts playing
Returns the stream
stop: When a song has ended
Returns the stream
destroy: When the player gets destroyed
Returns the channel id of the channel which was connected with the player
disconnect: When the bot gets disconnected to a voice channel
Returns the channel id of the channel which was connected with the player
const {Player} =require('discordaudio');constdiscord=require('discord.js');constclient=newdiscord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]});constchannel=client.channels.cache.get('0123456789');constplayer=newPlayer(channel);...player.on('play', stream =>console.log(`Started playing ${stream}`));player.on('stop', stream =>console.log(`Song ${stream} ended`));player.on('destroy', channelid =>console.log(`The player of the channel with the id ${channelid} got destroyed`));player.on('disconnect', channelid => console.log(`The player of the channel with the id ${channelid} got disconnected`));
Other examples (also from other Discord.js version) can be found in the examples folder in the package.
/* Written by Luuk - Extive Marketing Manager Website: Discord:*/process.env.TZ='Europe/London'; // TimezoneconstDiscord=require('discord.js');constdiscordaudio=require('discordaudio');constytdl=require('ytdl-core');const client = new Discord.Client({intents: [Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]});
constqueue=newMap();constconfig= { token:'YOUR-SECRET-TOKEN', prefix:'-', embedcolor:`#3498eb`};client.once('ready', () => {console.log(`Started up at ${newDate().toString()}`);client.user.setActivity(`music`, {type:'LISTENING'});});client.on('messageCreate',async message => {if( || ===`dm`) return;if(!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix)) return;let args =message.content.substring(config.prefix.length).split(" ");constserverQueue=queue.get(;switch(args[0].toLowerCase()){case'play':if(!args[1]){content:`Please provide a stream url`}); if(!args[1].startsWith("https://") && !args[1].startsWith("http://")) return{content: `The provided stream url is not a valid url!`});; if(!voicechannel) return{content: `You need to join a voice channel before you can play a song`});
constpermissions=voicechannel.permissionsFor(; if(!permissions.has("CONNECT") || !permissions.has("SPEAK")) return{content: `I don't have the permissions to play something in this channel!`});
constyturl=ytdl.validateURL(args[1]) ?true:false;if(!serverQueue){constsongobject= { url: args[1], youtubeurl: yturl };constplayer=newdiscordaudio.Player(voicechannel);constconstruct= { voicechannel: voicechannel,, songs: [songobject], player: player, loop:false };queue.set(, construct);play(, songobject); } else {serverQueue.songs.push({url: args[1], youtubeurl: yturl});{content:`Your song has been added to the queue!`}); }break;case'skip': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to skip a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.songs.shift();constsongobject=serverQueue.songs[0];play(, songobject);{content:`Song skipped!`});break;case'loop': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to enable/disable the loop`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.loop =serverQueue.loop ===true?false:true;{content:`Loop is now **${serverQueue.loop ===true?'enabled':'disabled'}**!`});break;case'stop': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to stop a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.player.destroy();queue.delete(;{content:`Successfully stopped the player!`});break;case'queue': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to see the queue`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});var songs =`__**Queue**__`;let tot =1;serverQueue.songs.forEach(song => {songs +=`\n**[${tot}]** ${song.url}`; ++tot;});constqueueEmbed=newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setAuthor(message.member.user.username,message.member.user.displayAvatarURL({dynamic:true})).setColor(config.embedcolor).setTitle(`Queue`).setDescription(songs);{embeds: [queueEmbed]}).catch(err => {});break;case'pause': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to pause a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.player.pause();{content:`Music got paused`});break;case'resume': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to resume a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.player.resume();{content:`Music is playing again`});break;case'volume': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to change the volume of a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`}); if(!args[1]) return{content: `Please provide the volume in the second argument of the command`});
if(!isNaN(Number(args[1]))){ if(Number(args[1]) > 10 || Number(args[1]) < 1){content: `The volume must be between the number 1-10`});
else {serverQueue.player.volume(Number(args[1]));{content:`The volume has been changed`}); } } elseif(!args[1].includes("/")){content:`Invalid volume`});else {let volume = args[1].split("/"); if(isNaN(Number(volume[0])) || isNaN(Number(args[1]))) return{content: `Invalid volume`});
if(Number(volume[0]) >Number(volume[1])){content:`Invalid volume`});serverQueue.player.volume(`${volume[0]}/${volume[1]}`);{content:`The volume has been changed`}); }break;case'reconnect': if(! return{content: `You have to be in a voice channel to change the volume of a song`});
if(!serverQueue){content:`There is nothing in the queue at the moment`});serverQueue.player.reconnect(2500);{content:`Reconnected :thumbsup:`});break; }});functionplay(guildId, song){constserverQueue=queue.get(guildId);serverQueue.player.on('stop', () => {if(serverQueue.loop ===false) serverQueue.songs.shift();play(guildId,serverQueue.songs[0]); });serverQueue.player.on('play', () => {var embed =newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setAuthor(client.user.username,client.user.displayAvatarURL({dynamic:true})).setColor(config.embedcolor).setTitle(`Playing a new song`).setDescription(`I am now playing [${serverQueue.songs[0].url}](${serverQueue.songs[0].url})`);if(serverQueue.songs[0].youtubeurl ===true){ytdl.getInfo(serverQueue.songs[0].url).then(info => { embed =newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setAuthor(client.user.username,client.user.displayAvatarURL({dynamic:true})).setColor(config.embedcolor).setTitle(`Playing ${info.videoDetails.title}`) .setDescription(`I am now playing **[${info.videoDetails.title}](${serverQueue.songs[0].url})** by **${}**`)
.setThumbnail(info.videoDetails.thumbnails[0].url);serverQueue.textchannel.send({embeds: [embed]}); }).catch(err => {serverQueue.textchannel.send({embeds: [embed]});console.log(err); }); } elseserverQueue.textchannel.send({embeds: [embed]}); });if(!song){serverQueue.player.destroy();queue.delete(guildId);return; }, { quality:'high', autoleave:false }).catch(err => {console.log(err);serverQueue.textchannel.send({content:`There was an error while connecting to the voice channel`}); });}client.login(config.token);