The AudioManager class makes you able to easily create a music bot.
Creating an AudioManager
You can easily create an AudioManager. All you have to do is call the AudioManager class. Your code will look like this
const discordaudio = require('discordaudio');
const audioManager = new discordaudio.AudioManager();
Play a song
Playing a song is really easy. You have just created an AudioManager in the previous example. The only thing you need to do is call the play function of it. The function requires two parameters and one parameter is optional. The required parameters are the channel and the stream parameters, the optional parameter is the options parameter which you can use for optional options. Note: The stream parameter may also be a YouTube url.
The options parameter has the following options:
volume: The volume of the song. Can maximum be 1 and can not be lower than 0.
quality: The quality of the song. The quality options are:
'high': Sets the quality to high (default)
'low': Sets the quality to low
audiotype: The audiotype of the song. This can be the following things:
'arbitrary': For mp3 audio (default)
'ogg/opus': For ogg audio
'webm/opus': For webm audio
'opus': For opus audio
'raw': For raw audio
The play function returns a Promise. The Promise resolves a boolean. If the boolean is true it means that the song has been added to the queue. If the boolean is false it means that there was no queue so it's started immediately. If there pops up an error while connecting to the voice channel it will reject the Promise and returns an error.
const discordaudio = require('discordaudio');
const discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new discord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, discord.intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES]});
const audioManager = new discordaudio.AudioManager();
const channel = client.channels.cache.get(`0123456789`);, ``, {
volume: 1,
quality: 'high', // Unnecessary as it's by default high
audiotype: 'arbitrary' // For YouTube it's always arbitrary, just like default so this is unnecessary as it's by default already arbitrary
}).then(queue => {
if(queue === false) console.log(`Playing the song immediately`);
else console.log(`The song has been added to the queue`);
Loop a song
You can loop a song with the loop function. The function requires two parameters; the channel and the loop parameters. The channel parameter is the voice channel where you want to add or remove the loop and the loop parameter is the type of loop you want to set. You can set the type of loop with the looptypes property. The looptypes property has the following options:
off: Turns the loop off.
loop: Turns the loop on for one song.
queueloop: Turns the loop on for the entire queue.
const discordaudio = require('discordaudio');
const discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new discord.Client({intents: [discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, discord.intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES]});
const audioManager = new discordaudio.AudioManager();
const channel = client.channels.cache.get(`0123456789`);
audioManager.loop(channel, audioManager.looptypes.loop); // Loops the song
audioManager.loop(channel, audioManager.looptypes.queueloop); // Loops the queue
audioManager.loop(channel,; // Unloops everything
Stop the player in a guild
You can stop a player by using the stop function. The stop function requires the channel parameter. The channel parameter is the voice channel where you want to stop the player of.
You can skip a song by using the skip function. The skip function requires the channel parameter. The channel parameter is the voice channel where you want to skip a song of. The skip function returns a Promise that will be fullfilled if the song successfully got skipped, otherwhise the Promise will be rejected and returns an error.
To pause a song you need to use the pause function. The function requires the channel parameter which is the VoiceChannel where the song is playing that you want to pause.
To resume a song you need to use the resume function. The function requires the channel parameter which is the VoiceChannel where the song is paused that you want to resume.
You can get the queue by using the queue function. The queue function returns an array with JSON object in it. The JSON properties that will return are:
title: The title of the song. (Can only be checked with YouTube songs else it will return a property of null.)
You can delete a song of the queue by using the deletequeue function. The deletequeue function requires the channel and the stream parameter. The channel parameter is the voice channel where you want to delete a song of the queue. The stream parameter is the stream which you want to delete of the queue. The deletequeue function will return a Promise which will be fullfilled if the song successfully got deleted. There will only become an error if the stream is not in the queue.
You can easily clear the queue by using the clearqueue function. This function will clear the whole queue. If there is still playing a song, when you're using the clearqueue function, the song will play until it's ended. You can also use the skip function if you want to stop the player. The clearqueue function requires the channel parameter. The channel parameter is the voice channel where you want to clear the queue.
You can destroy all the players that are playing by using the destroy function. By using this function all the players that are being played will be destroyed and the bot will leave all the voice channels. To destroy one audio player you can use the stop function.